Creative Writing Courses Online

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Udemy is a great place to learn. You can buy courses for very little, and there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

It’s one of the largest online learning marketplaces in the world that boasts over the hundred thousand different courses.

There are over 50,000 instructors and courses in over 60 languages. That’s amazing!

I love Udemy courses and especially like to flip through them to see what I like to learn. The platform is extremely easy to use and very reputable.


Skillshare isn’t as well-known as Udemy, but it’s still very good. It was created to provide universal access to high-quality learning.

It’s on-demand features make it easy to learn especially because of its video content.

Exclusive to American online learning, it boasts project-based classes with a professional twist.


edX is a huge online course provider that partners with the world’s leading universities and organizations.

There are over 1500 free courses in the course catalog that you can choose from. The courses can be taken via video or text content.

All you have to do is click on the course you’re interested in and enroll.

You can even take Harvard courses for free. Now that is amazing! Not only that, but the best part of edX is the fact that it’s a non-profit organization.

No money-grab here.


Coursera is an online marketplace that you can join for free.

The courses are taught by instructors from world-class universities like Yale, Stanford, Michigan, John Hopkins, Duke, and other reputable universities.

Coursera courses boast online learning at its finest. There are hundreds of free courses with access to video lectures, forums, Community discussions, and exercises.

It’s a great way to learn online, even on a budget.


Teachable is a higher-end online marketplace. It’s a little different than the others because It’s mostly set up for those entrepreneurs who want to create their own courses and sell them.

Teachable courses may not be labeled as such, but rather on a private level. You will find courses on professional websites that were made on Teachable.

Basically, if I were to create a writing course on Teachable, I could sell it on my own website at whatever cost I want. Often times, you’re looking at over $300 a course on Teachable.

That’s great for the entrepreneur selling it, but not so great for the consumer. However, you get what you pay for. If quality courses are what you are looking for, Teachable is a great option.

The main difference between Teachable and other online marketplaces for courses, is that there is no need for a marketplace. Teachable courses do just fine, featured for sale on individual websites.

So, when you’re looking for a topic to learn about, and you stumble upon a website that features a great course, nine times out of 10, it was made on Teachable.


Thinkific is very much like Teachable. It’s a platform where entrepreneurs create incredible all-in-one courses specifically branded for their own sites.

Courses from Thinkific are higher end, quality courses, created by experts in their field. Speakers, consultants, authors, professional associations, all use Thinkific to create amazing courses.

If you search for a specific topic, and you stumble upon a website that features a great course, nine times out of ten it was made on Thinkific.


Allison is an online education platform founded in Galloway, Ireland. There are over 1000 free online courses that you can access through this amazing company.

Allison focuses on workplace-based skills, providing a means for education for all walks of life. It’s great to see a company that is dedicated to giving free quality courses for everyone.


Finally, I just wanted to say that there are many online platforms to take courses these days. Some are free and some are not.

Depending on what you’re looking for, and how much money you have to spend on your course, there is something for every walk of life.

Online courses are great for learning, especially writing courses. That’s what this website focuses on specifically. Learning writing skills through online courses is a great way to improve your skills.

The following is a website that targets a list of places online that you can take courses:

Best Sites For Online Courses.


Author Kathleen Morris

Kathleen Morris is a successful published author, blogger, and YouTuber. She enjoys writing about things she’s passionate about and making a difference in the world.


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