The Funny Side Of Menopause

Menopause isn’t funny!

When it hits you, the last thing you want to do is laugh at yourself, yet, a good laugh is exactly what you need.

If we can learn to laugh at ourselves when we go through difficult situations in life, then half the battle is won. We can overcome depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders if we find the humor in the situation.

For menopause, it’s hot humor. Literally! 

As we go through menopause, often times we find ourselves in public situations where we suddenly start sweating and turning red. Most people would think perhaps you suffer from high blood pressure, or you’re going to have a heart attack when they see that happen.

Nope! It’s just menopause.

You can either laugh about it or cry about it. The choice is yours. Crying about it doesn’t help. I’ve done so much of that, and can honestly say, it only makes me feel worse. But laughing, that lightens the mood and make me feel like things aren’t as bad as they seem.

And things can get bad during menopause. Don’t get me wrong. Suffering from night sweats and brain farts, and hair growth is bad. Gaining weight around the middle isn’t pretty. Experiencing anxiety and depression is painful.

But there is hope.


Laugh at yourself, and find humor in your menopause journey. That’s what I did. I refuse to feel sorry for myself. I refuse to make my symptoms worse by complaining about them.

I want to be happy.

I know you want to be happy too.  Being old doesn’t mean we have to be miserable. And menopause makes us feel old, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

I associate laughter with youthfulness, and when I laugh, I feel young again. That’s one of the benefits of laughing.

Not only that, but laughter can be a pretty darn good therapy. A free one! You can laugh without breaking the bank like conventional therapies do.

And it’s the best natural remedy of them all.

That’s a lot of plusses.

Wouldn’t you rather smile and giggle at the silly things you experience during menopause? Given the choice, I’d pick laughing over crying anyday.

In my book called The Funny Side Of Menopause, I discuss many funny situations I’ve found myself in during perimenopause, and menopause.

You’ll cry, but it will because you’re laughing so hard.

If you’re a woman going through menopause, you’ll be able to relate to my stories and understand them completely.

Some of the things I talk about in the book will make you feel like you’re not alone in your strange menopause thoughts. I will help you realize that menopause and all the things that go along with it, are actually normal.

You ARE normal!

Menopause isn’t a disease. It’s not a unfortunate thing that is happening to you. It’s a woman’s rite of passage, and it doesn’t have to be negative.

It doesn’t have to be depressing.

It doesn’t have to destroy our femininity.

Menopause is normal, and it’s how we perceive it that determines the outcome. If we are negative, complaining about it all the time, we will soon become depressed. Our bodies and minds will reflect that toxicity.

But if we decide to take the high road and embrace menopause, we will understand that instead of crying and complaining, we will WANT to laugh. We will WANT to smile. We will WANT to embrace the good and throw out the bad.

We will finally, once and for all, CHANGE the change!

Admit it, you NEED a good laugh right now!

When I wrote the book, I actually laughed as I wrote it. I couldn’t stop. I giggled at how silly I was. I roared with laughter because I was such a fool at the time, and didn’t understand what was happening to my own body.

We’ve all been there.

We all need this!

YOU need this!


BUY the book! You won’t regret it!

It’s available on Amazon no matter what country you live in. Click the links below.

The funny side of this article is that I actually typed my book title 13 different times with 13 different links. Ugh! But… it was necessary because no matter what part of the world you live in, menopause is the same for every women.

We might not all experience the same symptoms but the struggle is just as real no matter if you speak English, French, Portuguese, or some other language.

We’re all kindred spirits and go through the change of life. PERIOD! (Pun intended)


And if you don’t have a way to read an ebook, click on the reading app available for free on Amazon.

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Download the reading app for free. Read my book, and LAUGH your heart out! It will make you feel better than you’ve felt in a long time!

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Author Kathleen Morris

Kathleen Morris is a successful published author, blogger, and Youtuber. She enjoys writing about things she’s passionate about and making a difference in the world.

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