25 Reasons You Need Craftsy Classes

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If you haven’t heard of Craftsy yet, you need to check out the hottest online crafting community on the web. It’s the go-to place to learn sewing, cooking, baking, drawing, photography, and many other popular crafts.

Not only does Craftsy supply you with instructional videos, but it also has all the available supplies you need right at your fingertips. Sure, you could always take a trip to the fabric store to buy the supplies you need, but from past experience, often you can’t find everything you need in one place.

This has happened to me many times, and it’s very frustrating.

I’ve spent countless hours running around town to different stores, just to get all the necessary supplies for my project. Time is valuable, and most people don’t have a whole day to run-around just for supplies.

Purchasing your project supplies from one store is ideal, and you can do that right from Craftsy’s online platform. It’s a secure, locked sight which means it’s just as safe as online banking when you purchase something with your credit card.

The little green lock and word ‘secure’ in front of the URL is a must when deciding whether or not your personal information will be safe from scammers.

I always make sure the websites I visit are https not http (the ‘s’ means secure) when entering any personal information like emails or credit cards. And Craftsy has that. Safe, secure, and convenient as well.

Disclosure: Crunchy Menopause is a review site that receives compensation from ShareASale, Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, eBay, and other affiliate networks whose products I review. The opinions are my own. That means if you purchase something through one of my affiliate links, I get a small commission. 

When considering a project, Craftsy will even help you with your supplies by offering kits. You don’t even have to worry about buying the individual supplies. It’s all there is one spot.

Save Up To 50% Off Kits & Supplies at Craftsy.com through 1/28/18 11:59pm MST. No code needed.

The kits are very convenient especially for a beginner.

I think the most valuable part of Craftsy is it’s many video tutorials. You can find a class on just about anything.

The classes are taught by qualified professionals, and available to anyone at an individual price per class or through the Unlimited program.

With one small fee per month, you can sign up for Bluprint which gives you unlimited access to over 1300 expert Craftsy classes on whatever craft you’re interested in learning.

Listed below are 21 reasons you need Craftsy Classes today!

Craftsy Unlimited FREE 7 day trial at Craftsy.com

#1 Learn Something New 

Most of us go through our lives without ever branching out and learning new things. We stick to what we know and are afraid to try something else .

A lot of times, we don’t want to learn anything new because we don’t have a lot of spare time, but the good thing about Bluprint is that you can start and stop your courses at your own convenience.

#2 You can watch classes on multiple devices

What that means is you can be learning a new craft even on your coffee break at work. So there really is no reason to not learn something new.

And just in case you don’t know, Craftsy classes are not just sewing classes. You can learn knitting, crochet, baking, cooking, photography, drawing, painting, just to name a few.

I love Craftsy classes because I can learn anything I want, and watch it anywhere. I just finished watching on the big screen T.V. I have Apple TV and because I do, I can bring up Craftsy on my iPad and cast it to my T.V.

#3 Craftsy Is Castable

My eyes were bothering me, and I really needed it on a bigger screen. Thank you Craftsy!

Now I can watch any class I want in a big blown up version.

Who knows, maybe I’ll become an expert as cooking. I’ve always wanted to improve my skill. I know my husband would like it if I didn’t burn his dinner anymore. I currently suck at cooking.

#4 Binge Watch Like NetFlix

It’s a rainy day and you have a day off.

What do you do?

Binge watch Netflix?

NOPE! Binge watch Craftsy instead!

At the end of that day, after binge watching Netflix, you realize it was kind of a waste of time, but you still had fun. Your hubby comes home and asked you what you did all day, and all you can do is shrug your shoulders and tell him you watched some movies.

In the pit of your stomach, you know you should have probably spent your time more wisely, sewed a masterpiece, or got some housework done. But that’s what Netflix is for, right?

With Bluprint, you can binge watch without wasting time!

Why not!

Instead of wasting your day with Netflix, you will actually learn something. You will actually become motivated to sew, bake, draw. Whatever your little heart desires.

But you don’t have to actually do anything to binge watch Bluprint. You can pop some popcorn, and just watch and learn so you can apply it later.

Or, you can always come back to it after and re-watch the class. That’s the joy of Bluprint. You don’t have to worry about hurrying. You’ve got the classes at your fingertips so you can take your time deciding what you want to do.

And sometimes you don’t even know what you want to do until you’ve tried different classes. That’s how I am. I might think I’m in the mood to sew a purse, but then I stumble upon a Jelly-Roll Race Quilting course, and boom! I just found my next project.

I love my Jelly-Roll Race quilts.

Online Fabric Patterning with Wax Resist Class

So, if you’re considering buying Bluprint, you may want to consider your choice of entertainment. Do you really want to spend an entire day binge watching nothing in particular, or do you want to learn something new?

I know what I’d rather do.

Craftsy all the way!

#5 Not Just Sewing Videos

As we’ve covered already, Bluprint doesn’t just give you access to sewing classes, but an assortment of other crafts classes you may not have even considered.

How does a person even know they like something if they’ve never tried it before.

Just the simple fact that you can learn all kinds of things, makes me jump for joy when I think of Bluprint. What you can learn is unlimited! 

#6 Get Huge Discounts On Other Things

Bluprint doesn’t just give you access to unlimited classes, it gives you special opportunities as well. You will get access to exclusive videos and classes that nobody else gets.

I’ll say that again. You will get special member offers that people who don’t subscribe to Bluprint don’t get, like recipes, patterns, and supplies.

Saving money is awesome!

Save Up To 40% On Cake Decorating Tools & Supplies at Craftsy.com through 1/28/18 11:59pm MST. No code needed.

I know I love saving money, especially when it comes to purchasing patterns, and sewing fabric. The brick and mortar stores have such high prices. It’s hard to afford fabrics and notions when they are full price. Even when they go on special, they still seem to be a rip off.

I used to be an assistant manager of a major Fabric store, and helped with ordering bolts of fabric. I was shocked when I found out the real cost per meter. Most were 10 – 25 cents a meter. YES! That’s right. CENTS!

So, when you walk into a fabric store, always question the price. Do you really have to pay so much? Seriously. I walked away from the fabric store one day when I was told the price of my quilt batting was $51 a meter. That’s ridiculous!  You don’t have to waste your hard earned money on overpriced supplies.

Craftsy knows that, and will give special deals to their ‘Bluprint’ subscribers.

Who wouldn’t want that?

#7 Just As Cheap As McDonalds

When people say Bluprint is too expensive I have to chuckle.

Is it really?

Depending on what country you live in, you’ll be paying anywhere from $15-$20 buck a month for the service. That’s $120-$150 bucks if you want to pay yearly.

Um… just don’t go to McDonald’s so much.

How often do you treat yourself without a second thought?

How often do you buy coffee, or go through the drive-through on a whim?

And you really can’t afford another $15 bucks?

It’s about priorities.

If you don’t want to , that’s one thing, but most people can’t say they don’t have the ability to scrape up another $15 bucks. You do! You just don’t want to.

Avide crafters WANT to!

Some of us would rather go without a meal just to afford quilting supplies or an adorable new fabric. I’d say if you haven’t gotten to that point, then you aren’t passionate about your craft.

Other things are more important, and that’s okay. But for those who are passionate about sewing, quilting, cooking, baking, knitting etc, then jump head first into Bluprint.

Online Knitting Class

And when people say they are on a fixed income and can’t afford it, I ask, do you buy coffee? Instead of wasting a couple dollars every day buying your favorite hot beverage, save it for Bluprint.

Reality is, we’re all on fixed incomes in one way or another. We all have responsibilities, and debt. We all have a million other things we should be spending our money on. We all have reasons we can’t buy Bluprint, but it boils down to what is important to you.

And yes, maybe you’re on welfare, or really don’t have two dimes to rub together. Even then, there is always a way to make your passion work. You can collect bottles or sell crafts you’ve made. You can be creative. I once helped my kids raise money for a ski trip by making silly little bookmarks and going door to door selling them. We were able to raise enough money for them to go. It just took a little work.

So, if sewing is important to you, then find a way to buy Bluprint . If hobbies are important to you, then find a way to buy Bluprint. If learning a new craft is important to you, then find a way to buy Bluprint.

There really is no reason why you can’t buy what makes you happy. It may take some shuffling of priorities, but you can do it if you want to.

#8 You Can Sell Your Crafts

Enough said. Just take a class, make a leather bag or a baby quilt or something, and sell it online. Rinse and repeat. You’ll make a killing in no time.

Pay for Bluprint with your earnings.

Hobby or not, you can make a fortune selling the crafts you learn to make.

Pay for your habit the easy way.

#9 Creativity Is Great Entertainment

As we’ve discussed already, you can watch some meaningless drivel on T.V, or you can watch something creative and expand your talents.

Craftsy Cake Decorating Class

Creativity is something to be cherished!

Anything that promotes that is worth its weight in gold!

Bluprint is a GOLD MINE!

#10 It Saves You Money

It really does save you money. You can be silly and pay $25 for one course, or $15 for a gazillion courses one at a time. It’s simple math.

One might argue that you don’t actually have time to watch that many videos in a month, but that’s just bogus and you know it. You’ve got time to watch your favorite show, play on your phone, waste time on Netflix, but you don’t have time to take craftsy classes?

Priorities! That’s what it boils down to.

Could it be that Bluprint might just open up some doors for you and get you to become more motivated to learn?

You might find you DO have time for more Craftsy classes, and when you realize that, you’ll run for the Bluprint subscription. It really will save you money!

#11 It Gets Your Creative Juices Flowing

Yes, you will become more creative!

It brings hope back. Hope! Remember that? You might actually be good at something you never thought you could do. It brings back that excitement to start a new project again. There will be hope for that unfinished project you tossed in the corner months ago.

Remember when you were little and you made all kinds of things. I do. I used to draw, and paint, and sew all kinds of things. It didn’t matter if it looked goofy, I just tried anything my little heart desired, without holding back

Anything that promotes creativity and helps you find your inner child again, is a good thing. We need more things that help us try things without holding back.

We need to bring back the hope that we can actually achieve our goals.

#12 Professional Instructors 

I’ve had people ask why they should buy a course when they can get it all free on Youtube. But can you really get it all for free on Youtube?

Have you ever tried?

Some projects require endless hours of research just to find the right way to do it.

You can waste all your time searching on Youtube, or you can buy a course.

I recently did this. I spent hours and hours researching a topic I was interested in, only to become frustrated that I could only find bits and pieces on the subject.

By the time I was done researching, I wanted to quit the whole thing.

I was exhausted!

I had a limited amount of time as it was. I couldn’t afford to waste anymore time researching. I just wanted the simple answers. Just tell me how to do it.

And quickly.

So, I found a course, and bought it.

It was invaluable. The instructor taught me the basics, step-by-step, and he was trustworthy. I was confident that I had done the right thing, because the end result was a finished product.

I didn’t have to worry that he was going to teach me the wrong thing. Often Youtube instructors are not professional, and don’t really know what they’re talking about. There is a lot of B.S on Youtube, and you may get suckered if you’re not careful.

As for Bluprint , you never have to worry about getting suckered, or whether or not the teacher is qualified, or just some schmuck off the street teaching you the wrong method.

They are all qualified professional instructors.

#13 You Don’t Need To Own The Class

A lot of people argue that Bluprint doesn’t allow you to keep the classes you take, and therefore it’s a rip-off.

Albeit, you can’t keep the classes in the Unlimited program, you can keep your individually  purchased classes, as well as all the videos in your library that you’ve previously purchased.

But who even needs to own them?

Do you get to keep the movies you watch on Netflix?

Remember all those DVD’s we used to buy before Netflix came around? I still have a pile of movies I never even watched. Some are still in plastic wrap and have never been opened.

Do we really need to keep the classes you take?

I don’t think so.

For me, that is simply not important. The classes will just become outdated eventually anyway.

Why would I want to go back and retake the class?

I’ve already made the project, and moved on. It’s like being a hoarder. There is always a reason they keep the things they do. Their intentions are to use it again, but they never do.

To me, this is the same thing.

The Craftsy classes that I’ve taken in the past are in my memory. They have become part of my repertoire. I’ve made the project, created fond memories of creating a beautiful thing, gained experience, expertise, and moved on.

I’d like to know how many people on average go back and retake an old class of anything. Just like all those books I’ve read. I have a shelf full of (intended to re-read someday) books.

I have never re-read them.

So, to all those people who think owning your classes is so important, I’d just like to say, it’s all in your head. Sorry, but it simply isn’t likely that you will retake the class.

#14 Dramatically Increases Quality Of Life

If you haven’t evaluated your life before, now is the time to do it. Think of all the things you do in a  day and pinpoint the things that matter.

I bet you most of us will find that there isn’t a lot of point to our day. Sure, we go to work and do things, but are they important to us? Do they matter as much as we think?

When you come home, how do you spend your time?

Do you waste a lot of time playing on the internet, watching T.V, and surfing on your phone?

Sometimes I spend an entire evening just playing around on my iPad while my husband watches a repeat of his favorite wrestling match.

Those things don’t matter.

What matters is to bring quality back into our lives. Spending time making things, and creating projects that make us feel good about ourselves is good for the soul. Accomplishing things we never thought we could do, builds character and gives us confidence.

That’s what Bluprint does. It allows us to spend our time wisely by helping us learn a new thing. Something of quality.

Instead of wasting time, we will become TIME EXPERTS and never squander it again.

#15 All Courses Are Included

Simply put, Bluprint allows you unlimited access to over 1300 videos. They don’t hold back on any classes, unlike the rumours going around. They give you access to them all through the Unlimited program.

As mentioned, you get special access to new videos with a subscription.

Nobody else gets that.

#16 There Is A 7 Day Free Trial

Yes, there is a 7 day FREE trial on Bluprint. Try it and see if you like it. You can’t go wrong with that!

#17 Those Who Don’t Have Wifi

The only drawback to Craftsy classes is the fact that if you don’t have wifi, you can’t watch the classes. But, Craftsy has announced they have many classes available on DVD. That option wouldn’t be available through the Unlimited program, only the pay-per-class option.

But good things are yet to come.

Perhaps, as with Netflix and many other online subscription services, there may be an option soon to download for a limited amount of time to view offline.

One of the best things Netflix has done is make movies downloadable to watch them offline while camping or somewhere you don’t have wifi.

I download Netflix movies all the time on my iPad.

I absolutely love the convenience.

Are you listening Craftsy?

Probably not, but I’ll just send them a friendly email and suggest it.

Who knows, it could be available sooner than you think!

#18 Opens Up New Horizons

Bluprint really does open up new horizons. I think of elderly people who often don’t try to learn a new skill because they don’t have opportunity to attend local classes in person.

What if they brought up the app on their new device their children purchased for them and started watching Bluprint? What if learning to paint was that easy for them? What if they didn’t have to worry about leaving their home to learn a new craft?

What if they had always wanted to learn to paint but never had opportunity to take a class? Attending class is not easy when you are sedentary, but Bluprint gives you easy access to learn any new thing.

It really could open up a whole new world.

#19 You Can Gift It To Someone

Which brings me to my next point.

You can give grandma a free subscription for a year. Or anyone else for that matter. What an awesome gift that would be.  You can give it to anyone you want, but it has to be the yearly subscription and not the monthly.

But no matter, a year of binge watching quality instructional videos is heaven for anyone.

#20 Makes You An Expert

I think back to all the classes I’ve taken in my 30 years of sewing and my only regret is that I didn’t take more.

I consider myself well educated in sewing, but even I could learn from the best.

That’s valuable.

You could become an expert in no time, in whatever you are learning.

#21Endless Inspiration

When I think of Bluprint, all I can think about is the endless inspiration.

The biggest stumbling block a person has is his own mind. People don’t do things, because they are not inspired. They don’t have the motivation.

More importantly, they don’t have the confidence.

Learning from the best inspirational minds will give even the novice, confidence in what their doing.

#22 Great For A Business

This opportunity is limitless. If you have a craft business of any kind, Bluprint would be a great investment.

Online Sewing Class

Not only could you sell your crafts, but you could teach your crafts as well.

That is simply amazing, and a definite asset to any business.

#23 Great For Education

Bluprint is great for the teachers and students.

If you are a homeschool teacher, or a teacher in general, think of all the students who could benefit from a Bluprint subscription.

I’m not sure how it would run on a corporate level, but I’m sure something could be worked out. Maybe students could pay an extra $15 bucks in their tuition fees to have their own subscription on their tablet at school to complete sewing assignments.

Or any other craft class available on Bluprint.

Online Jewelry Making Classes

Homeschool moms could teach their kids amazing things, and make amazing projects together.

The sky’s the limit.

#24 You’ll Never Be Lonely Again

Okay, so this one is a little off topic, but seriously, there are many people who don’t have much interaction with people. Many are elderly, but there are a lot of other people, myself included, that don’t get out much.

Socializing just isn’t number one on my list, mostly because I spend so much time at work. When I get home, all I want to do is veg at home.

That means I lack in the social department.

I don’t mean social media.

I mean, good old-fashioned, human interaction.

Albeit, when you watch a Bluprint class, you still aren’t visiting that person face to face, but it makes you feel like you are. You really feel like part of the class.

And when you’re lonely, sometimes that’s all you need.

An online class to interact with.

You may find it strange to include this in my 25 reasons to get Bluprint, but this is a reality in this high-tech, social media, nose in our smartphones, kind of life we live in.

Anything that makes us feel like we’re ‘right there’ socializing with a group, is a good thing.

#25 Because It’s Popular

Last but not least, Bluprint is popular.

We all like to try the newest things. We like to stay up to date on the latest trends, and get involved with what is popular. We buy the latest tech gadgets; the most popular smartphones. The wear clothes that are in style and buy popular items online.

Let’s face it, we don’t like to be left behind when it comes to trends.

For the baker, the knitter, the photographer, or the seamstress, Craftsy Unlimited it what’s trending. The internet is all abuzz about Bluprint, and for good reason too.

If these 25 reasons are not enough, just start asking your friends if they’ve ever heard of Craftsy. You’ll get the same reaction I do. They all LOVE Craftsy!

And if you LOVE Craftsy, you absolutely MUST get Bluprint!

Everyone else is! 

Craftsy Unlimited FREE 7 day trial at Craftsy.com

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Disclosure: Crunchy Menopause is a review site that receives compensation from ShareASale, Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, eBay, and other affiliate networks whose products I review. The opinions are my own. That means if you purchase something through one of my affiliate links, I get a small commission. 

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