Stages of Fasting Symptoms

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When you do intermittent fasting your digestive system takes a break. If you don’t eat you don’t poop. That’s a fact.

It may take a few days to stop pooping, but it will stop eventually especially if you do long fasts like three or four days.

If you do a week-long fast for example, and you’re still pooping on day five or six, then there is something really strange going on because if you’re empty, you’re empty.

However, if you drink too much water while fasting, you will poop water. It won’t be pretty water, but it will be water.

Some people like to do this because they think that flushing the system is a good idea. Personally, I don’t like the idea. All that gets flushed is valuable electrolytes that you need in your body.

My suggestion is don’t drink too much water.

You actually want your digestive system to take a break so it can heal. If you’re constantly putting whatever it is in there, whether that be water or food, then it’s not going to be able to take a break.

Take a break.

Allow your digestive system to become completely dormant.


Yes, your stomach will growl. That’s a given. But I find that the more water I drink the more my stomach growls.

Some people say that you should drink a lot of water when you fast but my experience says otherwise. If you put water into your stomach it will go through you, and in that process, will create loud rumbling tummy sounds.

So, just drink when you are thirsty and that’s it.


Your bloodwork will improve when you do intermittent fasting. All sorts of blood-related problems are alleviated when you fast.

Everything from high blood pressure, to cell regeneration, will happen. According to Harvard studies, the human growth hormone increases 1000 times for women and 2000 times the norm for men when you fast.

That’s incredible.

Not only that, but intermittent fasting prevents high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It also normalizes blood sugar and prevents diabetes.

Another plus is that it helps maintain a healthy heart.


You don’t experience fatigue as much as people think you do when intermittent fasting. Really, the only time I experience fatigue is maybe on the second day of a long 4-day fast. It’s short-lived though.

Fatigue indicates detox, at least it does for me. Once my body purges those toxins I’m good to go. In fact, I experience a boost of energy while doing intermittent fasting most of the time.

It’s a myth that you feel as weak as a kitten when you do intermittent fasting.


According to studies intermittent fasting boosts your immune system and can completely replenish it after a 3 to 5 days fast.

That means you don’t get sick as often and you have shorter recovery time when it comes to colds and flu bugs.


I experience a boost of energy when I do a long fast on day three. They call it a fasting high. It’s very real.

On those days when I feel supercharged, I feel like I can do almost anything. Give me wings and I could fly.

This is one of the best things about intermittent fasting. If you need to get some work done, fast for a while and you’ll see how quickly you get your work done.

It truly is amazing!


The benefits of fasting are huge. They are the same benefits that intermittent fasters experience or any ketogenic dieter experiences.

Those rewards come in the way of better health. The benefits of ketosis will show up in your skin. It will reduce acne, eczema, and many other skin ailments.

I used to suffer from terrible eyelid eczema, but not anymore. Since achieving ketosis on a regular basis I have not had one bout of eczema.

Ketosis also benefits the heart. It reduces heart disease, high blood pressure, normalizes blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol. It benefits those with diabetes and prevents it as well. It also prevents Alzheimer’s.

Ketosis benefits your cells as well. It promotes cell regeneration through autophagy and increases the human growth hormone. It acts as a fountain of youth, by restoring wrinkles and giving you a healthy glow.

There are so many benefits to achieving ketosis that it’s hard to mention them all. Every body is different and reacts differently while in ketosis, but generally speaking the majority experience the same health benefits according to Harvard studies. I’ll link the study below.

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For further information, go to the Hungry Old Lady Youtube channel by clicking on the video at the end. I hope you enjoyed this article and consider living an intermittent fasting lifestyle.

Kathleen Morris is a successful published author, blogger, and Youtuber. She enjoys writing about things she’s passionate about and making a difference in the world.

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